You Are Your Friends
The outside world is simply a projection of you.
We’ve heard this quote many times - “You are the average of the five people you hang out with”. But how do we look at this average in a truthful way rather than a distorted lens of what we just want to see?
The amount of time spent in a friendship does not indicate that it is of quality. We can blame the quality of our relationships on the other, but the power lies in our ability to see what kind of quality we are also bringing to the table.
I think it can all start with self inquiry. Here are some things I like to ask myself:
What are my life’s deepest goals and dreams? Am I truly doing the best I can to realize my potential? Am I a quality person to have in other people’s lives? Am I living in my integrity? Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
It’s easy to look at the positive aspects of ourselves, but to acknowledge and put a genuine effort to improve our downfalls is another thing. I think once we acknowledge the depth of love that we can give and receive from others, there’s no way of accepting less. Accepting less would be self defeating, and in a state of love we want what is best for ourselves.
These are some questions I like to ask when it comes to relationships:
What is the quality of people you have in your life? Are they fulfilling their potential? Are they living in their integrity? Do they treat you the way you would want to be treated? Do they have high esteem? Do you feel uplifted when you spend time with them?
I’m sure you’ve noticed the similarity between the two lists of questions. The reason they’re similar is because the outside world is simply a projection of you. The people in your life are showing you you. Are you proud of this reflection?
The quality of our relationships symbolize how good we allow life to get. However, this first starts with realizing our value.
Realize deep within yourself that you are safe to love and be loved.
Practice what it means to be a high quality friend.
High quality people recognize high quality people, and high quality people can see right through BS.